Werkleitz Festival

31.5.–9.6. 2024

Excursion Haustierkundliche Sammlung der Martin-Luther-Universität

Sa, 1.6.24 10:00
Adam-Kuckhoff-Straße 35 a Haustierkundliche Sammlung der Martin-Luther-Universität 06108 Halle (Saale)

The excursion offers the opportunity to trace the breeding history of farm animals. Breeding and cross-breeding experiments of domestic animals under Julius Kühn (1825-1910) were the first of their kind and were carefully documented. The collection comprises 6,000 dermoplastics and skeletons, including evidence of extinct or endangered breeds, as well as an extensive wool fiber collection. As one of the three largest German comparative collections of archaeozoology, it is unique in Europe.

The excursion is open to the public and will take place on June 1 from 10:00 to 11:30. The number of places is limited. Registration at info@werkleitz.de is required for participation.

Meeting point: In front of the museum building on the Steintor Campus