Werkleitz Festival

31.5.–9.6. 2024

Short film program Vom Bauernhemd zum Blauzeug

Sa, 8.6.24 20:00
Kleine Ulrichstraße 22 Zazie Kino 06108 Halle (Saale)

The short film program Vom Bauernhemd zum Blauzeug with two documentaries and an excerpt from a GDR television programme looks at the development of East German agriculture over a period of 20 years. In the discussion forum broadcast at agra 74, the industrial organization of farming activities is cited as a prerequisite not only for making optimum use of modern technology, but also for being able to offer a regular working day. Due to the separation of animal and crop production in the GDR, the implementation of the shift system in agriculture posed major challenges, especially for families whose members worked in both areas. After reunification, the dissolution of the LPGs changed the economic prospects of the rural population at a stroke, as Volker Koepp's Ein Landfilm from 1993 illustrates. "There are richer and poorer people again," comments Koepp on the difference it makes to be able to rebuild your own farm, even if it is debt-financed, or not. Henrike Meyer takes a very personal look at her father's asparagus farm in Treuenbrietzen in the district of Potsdam-Mittelmark in her film Feldarbeit (2012). The Berlin-based filmmaker's desire to spend time with her father and meet him in a new way is in strong competition with the daily harvesting routine, which has long since only been possible with the help of Eastern European seasonal workers.

Followed by an Q&A with Henrike Meyer, moderated by Daniel Herrmann.