Werkleitz Festival

31.5.–9.6. 2024

Talk Krise, Korn und Kalorie

We, 5.6.24 18:30

Against the backdrop of severe hunger crises, speculation with basic foodstuffs and the growing demand for food sovereignty, urgent questions arise: How do we talk about food and what effects could these discourses have on the future of our diet? What role does the calorie play in this and is a paradigm shift needed to break with the thermodynamic assumption of the body as an engine and talk differently about the production and consumption of food? How do speculation and trading practices on the grain markets influence the availability and price of basic foodstuffs? What impact do these mechanisms have on food security and the distribution of resources worldwide?

A discussion about the connections between human energy needs, global grain markets and hunger crises as well as the fundamental question of how we
question of how we talk about food and how we will do so in the future.
With the economic geographer Jörg Gertel and the historian Nina Mackert (both University of Leipzig)
Kick-off event of the AfA discussion series Struktur & Wandel (Structure & Change)

The talk will be held in German.